Design of the Month - December

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Welcome to December. As we head into the holiday season, a season unlike most, we have hope on the horizon. We look forward to starting the New Year off with new beginnings, a thicker skin, and a greater appreciation for the items we easily take for granted. We, as a company, have a lot to bring to 2021 and are excited about moving forward.

December often makes us think of magic, cozy memories, hope, and love. We hope that you and your loved ones feel that this year even if it is achieved through unconventional means. This year will most certainly be a memorable one.

To continue with that message we have selected Colour and Design's Bellalino to bring your inbox some much-needed sparkle. Bellalino was released in January 2020, which feels like a lifetime ago. It has been a strong contender and we don't see that changing for 2021.


Colour & Design is excited to present Bellalino…

This linen look goes far beyond its classic roots with an artistic wash finish…tiny particles emanate just enough subtle sparkle giving dramatic dimension and shine to room settings. Make a lasting impression with a choice of 18 exquisite sku’s.

Using Disinfectants and Cleaners

Colour & Design has been diligently testing several institutional disinfectants and cleaning products on our Aqua-Clear Protected Wallcoverings to determine what solutions can be used safely without any damage or discoloration to the wallcovering.

Suitable for HEALTHCARE & HOSPITALITY, Aqua-Clear Protected Wallcoverings are durable enough to withstand most disinfectant and cleaning products exceeding the CDC recommended bleach disinfecting solution for non-porous surfaces.

The current results for testing multiple disinfectants and cleaning products have confirmed our expectations. Testing will continue with additional institutional-grade disinfecting products and test results will be made available.

Test results can be viewed by visiting